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Find out how you can check the credentials of your company's branch offices or sub-merchants. We also tell you how to remove this information in case one of these is no longer available.
Check the credentials of your sub-merchants
If you wish to know, verify, or copy the data related to the credentials of your sub-merchants (henceforth branch offices), follow the steps listed below:
- Log in to Kushki’s Customer console with a Master Customer role user.
- Go to the Developers module in the left-hand menu of your screen, then, click on Credentials.
ℹ️ Note: As indicated, the Credentials section will only group the information of the branch offices. Also, this section was created for reference purposes only, meaning that editing or deleting branch offices will not be possible from here. |
3. In the Credentials dashboard, you will find pre-loaded the listing of the first 10 branch offices associated with your main merchant, based on their creation date. You can check the remaining information by using the pagination. The information of the branch offices will be divided into five columns (Branch office name, Alias, Credential ID, Public Merchant ID, Private Merchant ID, and Status).
3.1. If you wish to find information on a specific branch office, make use of the available search tools:
3.1.1. Enter in the search bar any reference data from the desired branch office from the first four informative columns (except the Status column).
3.1.2. Press the funnel icon , where you can filter your search by the branch office’s Status type or by its name, and then press the Apply button.
3.1.3. Directly, select the name of the branch office/s that you wish to find in the row labeled Branch office, which is available just below the search bar.
4. Finally, once you find the information of the required branch office/s, you can press the copy icon next to each piece of data to copy them to your computer’s clipboard and paste them conveniently where you need.
Remove credentials
From your Administrator console in the Developers > Credentials module, you can cancel the credentials of your console merchant’s branch offices if one of these becomes unavailable. Here are the steps to delete the credentials of a merchant.
- In the Credentials dashboard, click on the more actions button
of the desired credential.
- Select the Remove option.
- Confirm the action by pressing the Remove button in the pop-up box.
ℹ️ Note: You can delete your credentials through our API. For this, check our Delete credential endpoint. |