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Here are the requests to be made to validate the CVV of payments you receive with card and other configurations in your merchant’s console.
Among the requests you can generate for your merchant are the following:
Settings for CVV validation on a card
The change of the CVV validation configuration belongs to a request your merchant does to Kushki to activate or deactivate the CVV validation; this process applies only and exclusively to card payment methods.
How to change the CVV validation for card payments?
If you need to request a change of CVV validation configuration, please complete the form that applies o your country:
Then, please do the following:
Choose your country in the option called País en donde tu comercio opera (Kushki LATAM) or Select country of operation (Kushki Mundial) > In the option Selecciona el servicio adicional que deseas agregar (Kushki LATAM) or Select the additional service you wish to add (Kushki Mundial), choose Cambios de integración (Kushki LATAM) or Integration Changes (Kushki Mundial) > Complete the information that appears on the screen.
General Configurations in the Administration Console
The changes in the general configurations of the console correspond to request that your merchant makes to Kushki to modify the information previously configured in the Customer or Branch (submerchant). Among the changes that can be made are adjustments in the basic data, routing, active services, and user creation.
How to adjust the console configurations?
If you need to request a change in your merchant’s administration console either at the customer or branch (submerchant) level, it is necessary to complete the additional services request form and enter the required information in each of the fields.